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LABRYS: Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered and Questioning Women of Color

We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.
We welcome new energy always.

Who Can Join?

We invite anybody interested in the issues and topics that we as women of color face daily to join. Members must be able to dedicate enough time to participate in programs and events and seek to make a difference through and within the organization.

Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest, and we hope to further our cause.

How Can You Join?

To join we need for you to provide us with your contact information. You can email us the information, or you can come to our events and monthly meetings and give the Membership Recruiter your contact information.

Active Members

Active members are those members that have paid their yearly dues. Yearly dues are $15 and should be paid to the Financial Manager. These members will be entitled to discounts at various events and programs sponsored by LABRYS.

LABRYS * Temple University * Philadelphia * PA * 19122